about us

The humans behind
Human Managed

The learning process of a machine is human managed.
Our Story
Created from a collection of Whys and Why Nots.
Why is something essential not accessible to all?​ Intelligence is essential for any kind of progress.​ And yet, it’s so hard to get. ​Available to those with wide network and deep pockets, ​reserved for exclusives. ​ ​

Why can’t something essential also be exceptional? ​​Intelligence makes or breaks good decisions. ​And yet, it’s so unexceptionally done. ​Left to an army of tools and experts, ​hoping for results. ​ ​

Asking Why and Why Not from Day 1 helped us change something that seemed immovable at first: our mindset.

After that, deconstructing and reconstructing industry standards and status quo were not so hard anymore. ​​

Can something as essential as intelligence be both accessible and exceptional?

We answer: Why not?
Our team
Think, Build, Iterate, Operate.
We are a distributed team that doesn't fit in a box and thrives in organized chaos.
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