The learning process of a machine is human managed.
Our Story
Created from a collection of Whys and Why Nots.
Why is something essential not accessible to all? Intelligence is essential for any kind of progress. And yet, it’s so hard to get. Available to those with wide network and deep pockets, reserved for exclusives.
Why can’t something essential also be exceptional? Intelligence makes or breaks good decisions. And yet, it’s so unexceptionally done. Left to an army of tools and experts, hoping for results.
Asking Why and Why Not from Day 1helped us change something that seemed immovable at first: our mindset.
After that, deconstructing and reconstructing industry standards and status quo were not so hard anymore.
Can something as essential as intelligence be both accessible and exceptional?
We answer: Why not?
Our team
Think, Build, Iterate, Operate.
We are a distributed team that doesn't fit in a box and thrives in organized chaos.